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ceremonial speech演讲稿
[发布时间:2010/7/28 8:45:03   作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:2312    文章录入: ]       

ceremonial speech演讲稿

  "In the book the gold room, in the book YanRuYu" reading is the most interesting, literature is the most interesting.
  A description of his classmates have such feeling of reading: "when I was a child, I really love to read from the Anderson fairy.", "green" to Aesop, the Arabian nights, the wonders of the story book has only been good.too realm, the only put yourself into books. I went to appreciate in books, like reading, graceful, RuZuiRuChi excises. Books open my life the first door window of wisdom." As the golgi words: "I like the book, in hunger in bread."
  All things, but reading is high. Reading is mixed feeling really fantasy: in the closet diffusing mo xiang, enjoy traveling in books, galloping on the earth, imagination becomes a run wild in the run, in the fleetness, by Paul "ke, till golden and stubborn, is Jane" love bravely, self-improvement, came to scarlett with beautiful romantic love, rhett, more be……【尊敬的朋友:本站文章均来自网络由本站编辑整理并发布,如果您有演讲稿竞聘稿等各类方面的写作需求,请联系我们:在线QQ咨询:316327876 


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