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文章来源:演讲网 未知 文章作者:admin 点击次数:1002次 发布时间:2011-08-02 09:44

柳传志演讲《商业沉浮,机会永存》 文章摘要 :《商业沉浮,机会永存》是联想集团董事局主席柳传志在阿里巴巴网商大会上发表的一次精彩深刻演讲。 在演讲中,柳传志还向在场的创业者们传授了许多商业秘诀。下面是演讲全文: 柳传志: 各位好,我听马云先生介


  文章摘要:《商业沉浮,机会永存》是联想集团董事局主席柳传志在阿里巴巴网商大会上发表的一次精彩深刻演讲。 在演讲中,柳传志还向在场的创业者们传授了许多商业“秘诀”。下面是演讲全文:























































  我说一个最近的例子,一年多以前由于金融危机的问题,联想集团的业务剧烈下降,亏损的很厉害,后来我又出来担任董事局主席,我和杨元庆在一起,他担任CEO,这时候我和媒体说过一句大话,说三年之后一定扭亏为盈,后来一个月之后就说一年之后扭亏为盈,后来确实做的很好,为什么敢说这句话,就是预先把这些事情,要考虑的问题都细细的研究了一遍。在并购IBM PC的时候也细细的研究过,这样的例子很多。








  Liu Chuanzhi's speech" commercial ups and downs, opportunity."

  Abstract:" business chance" ups and downs, one is to associate group board chairman Liu Chuanzhi in Alibaba network conference published a wonderful profound speech. In his speech, Liu Chuanzhi also to the presence of the founders imparted many commercial" secret". The following is the text of his speech:

  Liu Chuanzhi:

  Everybody is good, I listen to Mr. Ma Yun, said today the vast majority are in the online shop of the small business owners and entrepreneurs, that is to say we are still in the midst of a carve stage, is not easy.

  I want to run a shop on the net friend is generally divided into two categories, this is our" rice bowl", this is our life, we try to make the best of life, but how big is much, this is a kind of. Another is to do great things, seize every opportunity to secure personal gains also hope I can make a big enterprise, make a big entrepreneurs, which is also a part.

  I was in 1984 to start a business, I was 40 years old, now a lot of friends say that you are a man do you start a business, in fact I do poineering work when it is be full of excitement. I think that passion, not less than 20 years old now, young man, why is it that, because it was a rare opportunity.

  I was 22 years old when he graduated from university in 1966 with vigour and vitality, that was the beginning of the cultural revolution, the cultural revolution is a class struggle, a struggle ten years of fighting, the end of the time I was 32 years old, in this ten years basically not doing good research work.

  My deepest impression is two things, one is the class struggle in the cruel, I only give you one example, is I from farm labor was recalled to Beijing, in the train station to see shoot people notice, that moment is everywhere to shoot people notice, in a notice there are a number of people, I remember there are four or five people, which has a very familiar with the name Wang Shouliang, high school taught me Chinese for three years, when the two and a half years director teacher.

  After I read it over, shot Wang Shouliang because he is a Soviet spy, and later years later vindicated, knew Wang Shouliang couples with no children, his wife at the Soviet embassy, his wife was arrested after the shot, he later complained, so he also shot.

  In addition to this cruel, more let every day I was tortured is poor, we as a China Institute of computing technology, the researchers divided the so, after two years of efforts to give me a 12 square metre" bicycle shed".

  What is called a bicycle shed, is that the house was built in a row, the wall of the house is a brick, the roof is a layer of asbestos, in Beijing such a single brick house, a layer of asbestos house to live, after the feeling here is not the experience, with the winter night, the morning room temperature is 6 degree, 6 degrees at night in the house you can imagine, the summer if it is 38 degree, the house is 37.5 degrees.

  How many people live in, 12 square metres of the house most of the time to hold six people, me and wife, two children and father-in-law, everybody said that 12 square meters house six people how to live? Whatever I have is folded, so at that time I didn't study for my computer, but learned how to do carpentry, bed is folded, the day is pulled together all become sofa chair, table are all folded, didn't have a meal full stack up, to the evening meal when back to.

  I'm impressed thing is in the room, the honeycomb briquet stove for cooking, wall hanging wire clothes, cook when accidentally hit the wire, socks will fall into the soup.

  I had to buy them for winter wear cotton trousers, must save two months to save up, the family's economic power in my hand, home couples often as economic rights conflict, if the wife master the words this month to go, only one month to buy a piece of money minced meat, she the needs of the children often overspend, overrun is the result of classmates, friends came, you totally have no ability to please people to eat a meal, even the most simple meal, which in the face is to pass. This is the time of day.

  By 1976, down with the gang of four, it is a national dance for joy, but after two years of transition time, Mr. Deng Xiaoping to sit to leadership positions, this time was 1978, when I was 34 years old, Deng Xiaoping 's first major contribution is the first principle of class struggle to take economic construction as the center, this time our scientific and technological personnel day.

  At that time, had a conference called" science", said the" spring" to science, so we started to rise in pay, but temporary housing does not improve, but also allows us to do a little translation, engage in some other jobs, I remember to tell my wife contradiction mainly is the evening for the time, both want to do more for a while in the lab, learning a foreign language, many study abroad information etc..

  But doing doing my heart not reconciled, I think it may be my own heart depressed, other colleagues may not have such. I was in Academy of Sciences Institute of technology do the work, we do the research institute is the technology, so I often make achievements, is on a prize, the title, but this machine is placed on the side, then do second, never thought of the industrialization of research results, so that continuous two or three years later, I really think we how to do what they do, again, but to society as a whole has not played by the technical staff should play a role in.

  At this time, just before and after 1983, Academy of Sciences of the leadership of dean Zhou Guangzhao to the United States, to Europe to visit, when they first do some time visiting scholars after coming back to China, know abroad are large enterprises in research and development, and then it may make research and development results into industrialization, use of the force is pushed to the market, this is a problem, so they returned home called science and technology personnel to their own scientific research to the market, the vast majority of people are afraid to go, but I especially want to, because I think it is a chance to live to be 40 years old, so special to.

  But in fact the enterprises run later really are numerous difficulties and dangers, director of today song here, they are very kind, why? They all know, at that time under the planned economic system, our academy run by the enterprise is not a program within the enterprise.

  What is the plan of enterprise? At that time, our country has a number of industries, such as computers and electronic field called the Ministry of electronic industry, pipe agricultural machinery production called the Ministry of agriculture, what the Ministry of aerospace industry and so on, the Ministry and today's function is different, each men have enterprise, they directly with these enterprises, is the enterprise production many things your original, come from where, from where into things, sell number money, all by the department unites a canal, it is planned economy.

  While the academy does business, Zhou idea not obtained then a complete system to consider, you also go to plan, it is plan a consideration.

  Planned and unplanned what is different, plan and foreign enterprises to get the enterprise must in some indicators, such as production, production to production approval, import to import approval, because we are doing computer, must like CPU, like operating system, some important components and equipment is needed to import, but without the approval of imports of words will be very troublesome.

  Foreign exchange is a target, for example in the program within the enterprise to give you $1000000 index, what does that mean? If you spend two dollars and six cents, you can buy a dollar, I say is 1984, spent 2600000 yuan to buy a $1000000 target, but at that time have a grey market, as we do not have this index, we can go to the gray market and try to buy, the about six many money RMB to buy a dollar, the key problem is not more than six yuan of money, because the name grey market mean theory this is illegal, but no one goes to you, because everyone is feeling stone to cross a river, and so no pipe, but you want to provoke the who that will break the law.

  That day is very sad, for one to do a good job, do good business is hard to do, especially as our ownership or state, and I'm not through these behavior after finishing, I become a millionaire, is not the case, this case will take some policy risk.

  Me to cite an example, in 1987 we began to learn from foreign to domestic vend computer, so-called "flippers" meaning that is to say not very legitimate channels, but sell very well, so my sales manager is overfulfiled index, according to the predetermined considerations, they in the end of this department and the manager itself will receive a prize, how many money? The manager will be more than 6400 yuan RMB bonus, the department other people also have 4000, 3000 prize, 6400 dollars is what meaning? My monthly salary is about 100 yuan, that is to say the equivalent of 60 times the monthly salary, we think, now your salary plus 60 times is what feeling, and that time is also very short of money, so it has to be.

  But this money when faced with huge problems, we meet together to just know, originally at the time of delivery is not now the income tax, because in the time of planned economy made a law called the bonus tax, is when your winnings exceeded three months salary when the part, left to pay 300% of the bonus tax, so this too had not been, if the thousand dollar bonus penalty, the bonus tax paid, next year will not work.

  So we several leadership study here, on three road, the first road is the bonus tax again, I do not know how to get the next year, will be very difficult for us to consider what to do next. The second way is used to practice, to say that Chairman Mao taught us that the situation is constantly changing, you did not expect to do so well, after a complicated, have made this year, temporarily not fat, that is the stories. The third approach is not good practice, on the streets of Zhongguancun private enterprises are doing so, are generally take checks for cash, do not enter, put the money out who do not know even if finished, unfortunately research for a long time we selected third kinds of practices.

  Choose the third approach when it really didn't expect second years we change one's criminal conspiracy was unmasked. Money unit, is an experimental factory in Guangdong, they because nothing has been found, and our things also check out, gave me a warning was also fined ninety thousand yuan, because every other year turnover has very big growth, no two years also changed the income tax, the tax law itself is not a reasonable explanation, have bad place, I this is to who, I do not have much money, in fact there is in the state ownership, must also be a science, but you have to bear this liability and so on.

  I just want to show such a collision has too many things, at the time a company is how difficult, and today 's situation is very different. But in that case we continue to pay attention to, not in the middle of the road go to step on the red line, walk on the edge, so the road must be dead, but stepped on the red line will be a great risk, therefore how to have an ideal rather than idealized forward really is a very difficult thing, but at the time we were very hard to learn business management pattern, study our industry law.

  In 1990, at that time our country in order to protect the computer in this industry, on the large foreign computer company imported machine through import approval and the method of high tariffs put them out, want to protect our national brand industry, the national brand of big brother is a country to invest to set up a company called the the Great Wall, but the protection is the result of our products and your quality is not good, but also foreign computer cannot come in serious impact on all walks of life information process, like banks, customs, need a large number of computer units are not able to use the computer, I remember 90 years when the national computer sales to 200000 units.

  At that time, and today, today we use the computer is actually doing a consumer uses, when the computer is mainly the production of information, is the production of tools. Countries understand this principle, a country in 91, 92 years will bring tariffs substantially reduced, down to the last 100% fell to 10%, and then to permit cancelled, this time foreign computers like the IBM, AST, Dell and other large-scale entered China, came in and drove in all walks of life development of computer manufacturers come unexpectedly, but was so big impact, all of a sudden a rout is like a landslide., I remember 93 years the Great Wall this brand in China disappeared, it is our country a mainstay business, and IBM merged to become IBM a production department.

  Associate in the Chinese market accounted for only about 2%, and we are hard to study, in capital, technology, management, personnel, all fails to competition, this battle how to hit, is it right? Go back to the agent to do well, but we were the results of the study, the idea is correct, not to study how tough competitors, more research on the US itself not compared with the family, we ourselves have what inadequacy, existing problem is already a lot, so we will have to put their made an internal adjustment, organizational structure, business model have made the adjustment, then Yang Yuanqing is 29 years old, chose him to be division general manager, and then to the Ministry of electronic industry to minister Comrade Hu Qili under the table in battle, we decided to put the national industry banner of hell,

  Remember this is ten years ago. Later associative as route 2% market share has reached 30%, inside this process I would not specifically say.

  In general, Association for so many years from a small business into a certain scale of the enterprise, but also the vigorous, there are many reasons, here I will not say more, I want to share with you, there is a reason must be the most important, is in I and my colleague's heart is to have a great aim, the pursuit, has a vision, no matter what kind of difficulties encountered are never wavered, never give up.

  I say it is to those who wanted to expand the business, there are always friends, because I believe in your future road will encounter various difficulties, really want to do it, you want to you can not be able to withstand this risk.

  In addition, I say a word was given to all business friends and the small and medium-sized enterprise friends, friends are doing business on the Internet, some are doing the same business, selling is the same thing, so who can do good, do bigger more, further down the road wide, and some people will be narrower, the matter is great plan and noble ambition or friends

相关文章: 关键字Tags:柳传,志演,商业沉浮,机会永存,柳传,志演,商业沉浮,机会永
(责任编辑:演讲网 yanjiangcn)



