一个月过后,如馨加大了阅读量。 在学校里老师要求她每周读一本简单的故事书,而如馨却要读10本有时甚至更多同等程度的故事书。大量的阅读既增加了她的词汇量同时也增强了她的学习英语的自信心。在短短的四个月的时间里, 她读完了Oxford Reading Tree 系列读物的小学三年级的全部书籍。由于如馨学习刻苦努力以及在语言方面所取得的进步,学校多次给她颁发证书,比如, “Outstanding Effort in English”, “Working Really Hard on Reading”, “Being Very Quick at Maths” 等等。在英国一年的学习中,如馨阅读了150本儿童读物并写了几十篇读书笔记。
Hi, everyone, my name is Jia Ruxin. I am from Shijiazhuang and in Grade 5. Today my topic is “ My Sweet Home”.
There is an old saying “East and west, home is best.” So, we can see how important home is to everybody. I’ve got a sweet home because it is cozy. My family lives in a flat. The sitting room is the biggest and my room is the smallest, but it is a world of my own. The wall is white, the curtain is pretty, the bed is comfortable and the bookshelf is filled with different kinds of books. In the right hand corner is the Zheng, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, and on the table is the computer. When I feel tired, I can play computer games; and when I feel depressed, playing the Zheng can cheer me up. This is my sweet home, where I can find peace and comfort.
I’ve got a sweet home because it is full of love. My dad loves me. He is kind and patient. It is my dad who watches Outlook English Magazine with me; it is also my dad who is ready to answer my questions. My mom loves me, too. She is considerate and hardworking. Every day when I go home from school, the rooms are always clean and tidy. Every time when I play out and forget dinnertime, it is also my mom who calls me back with her tender voice, “Come home, my little darling, dinner is ready”.