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来源:未知 作者:admin 点击: 时间:2011-08-02 11:56

唐骏经典演讲回顾---性格决定命运 文章摘要: 唐骏为中国职业经理人。曾留学日本和美国,有打工皇帝之称。2004年唐骏以微软中国终身荣誉总裁身份从微软退休,并以260多万股股票期权出任盛大集团总裁以下是2008年他在大连理工做的一次精彩演讲: 在北邮追女孩












  我在洛杉矶开了一家第一移民律师事务所,我是计算机博士出身,对法律一点都不明白,光是有关的法律书就有一米这么高。我注意到别家事务所都是按小时收费,有时移民采用打电话的方式,一个小时都问不明白,但钱却搭进去了,让人感觉移民咨询像个无底洞,不知到得花多少钱才能办成。我就采用和别家事务所不一样的商业模式:我是按案例收费,如工作卡转签证收 1000美金,签证转绿卡600美金等,还有最重要的一句:不成功不收费,成功了再收费。这样就在洛杉矶一炮打响,我的第一移民律师事务所在开业五个月后就排洛杉矶第一位。(热烈的掌声起……)我告诉大家接下来的两年内我准备做一件事情,我从未涉足的领域,电影事业,(台下一片惊讶),别惊讶,谁让我爱好广泛呢。(台下哈哈大笑)中国好电影这么多,我的电影肯定做不成功,但我想运用一种和他们不同的商业模式,现在电影宣传力度很大,但许多观众看完后都会失望,好多人就自己买碟看,不再去电影院看电影。我不会请大腕明星,砸很多钱进去,我会采用就和我刚才讲的在洛杉矶开律师事务所一样的商业模式,就是满意了收钱,不满意可以退票。当然我有满意的标准的,我会在每个电影放映室里笑声安计数器,如果70%以上的大家都笑了,那他会记一,然后记二。我要拍喜剧片,励志型的外资喜剧片,我希望电影所达到的效果让观众笑二十次,如果观众没有笑二十次,那么观众可以退票,我们会无条件接受。(好方法,真的与众不同)当然我们拍片就得拍的很好看,有很高的标准。


  现在我讲给大家一个特八卦的故事。这个故事我讲给了两个人听。一个是盖茨,他非常相信;另一个是朱a砸在窗口上的铁罩,紧凑又零乱地打击。我收下衣物,挂在卧室客厅的衣橱里,每件衣服都隔着一定距离,并且,保持衣橱的镕子擦,坚硬的塑料须擦着金属面,磨出笨拙的窸窣声,如同猫鼠在青瓦屋顶追逐,或者,已经接近尾声,猫捕获了它的猎物,a基,他一点都不相信。所以在场的大家不用担心,你若相信,说不定你就是下一个盖茨,你若不相信,你或许就是下一个朱a砸在窗口上的铁罩,紧凑又零乱地打击。我收下衣物,挂在卧室客厅的衣橱里,每件衣服都隔着一定距离,并且,保持衣橱的镕子擦,坚硬的塑料须擦着金属面,磨出笨拙的窸窣声,如同猫鼠在青瓦屋顶追逐,或者,已经接近尾声,猫捕获了它的猎物,a基。(全场笑)我讲的这个八卦故事,你们要是相信,就是未来的宏观经济学家。在1985年的时候日本经济各个指数突然飘红,经济形势一片大好,据当时经济学家预计照这种形势发展下去,到2012年日本就会在各个方面超过美国,成为世界第一超级大国。许多经济学家找不到快速发展的原因所在,令人很费解,你们知道为什么吗?(台下一片疑惑)因为那时候有个年轻人到了日本。(噢……台下恍然大悟,许多人笑了起来,但还有些人不明白)后来 90年几月份,日本经济萎靡不振,持续五年的增长突然停滞不前,而这时美国的经济从萎靡中摆脱出来开始快速增长,道格拉斯指数一天涨了28.3%,全世界的经济学家都无法解释这个原因,感觉很奇怪,你们又知道为什么吗?只有我知道,那时候有一个年轻人离开日本去了美国。不用我说你们知道那人是谁了吧。(我们恍然大悟)我把这个故事讲给盖茨后,问他微软从什么时候出现转折快速增长的,盖茨说94年几月份,他说不会你那时来的微软吧。我说你猜对了,然后盖茨目瞪口呆的盯着我……后来我告诉朱a砸在窗口上的铁罩,紧凑又零乱地打击。我收下衣物,挂在卧室客厅的衣橱里,每件衣服都隔着一定距离,并且,保持衣橱的镕子擦,坚硬的塑料须擦着金属面,磨出笨拙的窸窣声,如同猫鼠在青瓦屋顶追逐,或者,已经接近尾声,猫捕获了它的猎物,a基总理这个八卦的故事后问他:中国经济什么时候开始快速发展的,总理说97年下半年吧,他说你不会那时回的国吧,我就告诉总理是97年下半年回的国。总理急忙说:这跟你没关系,是这届中央政府领导的好。总理果然是总理,什么事都会往政府上靠。(台下暴笑)

  97 年我要离开微软的时候,写了一封很长的信给盖茨,据听说很煽情,(台下笑)我也给公司每个员工都发了一份,因为我是计算机出身,所以会COPY很多份。(暴笑)好多员工都哭了,信中我记得有这么一段:在微软的几年里,我不敢说我是微软最勤奋的员工,但我敢说微软里没有比我更勤奋的员工。(台下一片钦佩和笑声))两句一个意思哈。很快盖茨打电话给我:骏(特深情),你一定要走吗?我说:比尔,我一定要走。“你真的不可以留下吗,我可以给你任何位置,随便你选。”(任何位置但不包括盖茨的那个位置哈(全场暴笑)“我离开中国太久了,我得回去参加祖国的建设。”“那好吧”。随后盖茨立即召开董事会会议,会上全体一致同意授予唐骏微软终身荣誉总裁称号。这是历史上唯一的一个微软终身荣誉总裁称号,以前没有,以后也不会再有了,你们知道为什么吗?就因为我曾经给盖茨讲了一个八卦的故事……授予我终身荣誉总裁,盖茨就可以一辈子把我留在微软了(全场爆笑加特热烈的掌声)我现在哪都不敢去,大家都知道,其实宏观经济给我没啥关系,但我就怕离开了中国,中国万一出点啥事,那我可就是千古罪人了。(台下暴笑)我可以负责任的告诉大家,未来50年我不会再离开中国!(台下热烈的鼓掌)


  2003年我接到盖茨秘书打来的电话,她说盖茨要在2月几号来中国,我大吃一惊,也很惊喜,你们知道吗,我在中国当微软总裁,副总理谁都可以见,就是江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席见不着,盖茨来中国会和江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席见面,我高兴的不是盖茨来中国,是我可以见着江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席了。(台下狂笑)但算了一下,那一天正好是大年初三,和江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席见面可能有麻烦。我就告诉秘书说不行,那天大年初三盖茨不能来。你们知道有种人地位不高,但权力很大,(全场笑)秘书很生气说你竟然敢说不,你可知道盖茨的行程都是一年前安排好的。(台下一片惊讶声)是,我知道,可是那天来会有麻烦,会面不会顺利。你自己跟盖茨谈吧。我就打电话给盖茨,告诉他那天不能来中国,他很惊讶,说你可知道我的行程都是一年前安排好的。你们知道盖茨脾气很大,不是,应该说他是很有“个性”的一个人。(台下狂笑,暗指他脾气很大)。我说,我知道,你的行程是一年前安排好的,可是中国的春节是5000年前就安排好的。(全场鼓掌)盖茨更惊讶了。你想想美国人听到5000年是什么概念,盖茨得惊讶成什么样。(台下一片笑声)就这样盖茨同意改了行程。后来盖茨来中国,我到首都国际机场迎接的时候,盖茨见着我第一句话就是,你好大胆,这是我进入微软36年来第一次改行程。我说你不是输给了我,你是输给了中国 5000年的文化。你看这样说,立马抬高了老板的地位,和5000年挂上了钩。(笑声掌声起)

  盖茨口头语“That’s good!”

  在中南海盖茨和江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席会面,我在旁边给盖茨说,现在正是中央换届的敏感时期,你要做的就两件事情,一个光听江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席讲就行,不要插嘴;还有一个你的改改你的口头语。你们知道,和盖茨说过话的人都知道他有一句口头禅“That’s good!”他想表达的意思是鼓励对方继续讲下去,我在听的意思。盖茨说这是从小的习惯我改不了,我说无论如何你得改,盖茨坚持说我改不了。我就说,你听江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席讲话的时候看我,你看我总不至于会说”That’s good”。见着江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席的时候,江主服挂在窗外,巷子中砖瓦紧凑地接着淅淅沥沥的水滴。“滴答滴答下小雨了,种子说我要发芽,我要发芽。”记得初来时,我席拉着盖茨的手说:盖茨啊,你知道再过五天我就要辞去中国最高领导人的职位,由下一届领导班子接任……你们知道我那时候最害怕什么吗?就怕盖茨嘴里蹦出一句“That’s good!”(全场爆笑)要是这样就闹出世界性的政治丑闻了。

  Tang Jun classic speech - decided the fate of character

  Abstract: as the Chinese occupation manager Tang Jun. He had studied in Japan and the United States," work emperor " is called. In 2004 Tang Jun to Microsoft China honorary life president identity retired from Microsoft, and with about 2600000 shares of stock options as a royal group president, following is the 2008 he in Dalian made a wonderful speech:

  The girl in the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

  You know in that university 's not like you so rich and colorful. At that time we except chasing girls and have nothing to do. ( under the stage comedy ) you than they did badly, we silly, the teacher let us learn what we learn what, also regardless of no use; but now you know of no use, but also to learn, so more depressed. ( of course, in addition to supporting the applause ) Dalian University of Technology subject except, because Lu president in this. ( laughing ) you learn things almost nothing. ( under the stage again more laughs ) university my ordinary can no longer ordinary, then nothing, just look like me, basically do not consider the class war, I have a place to live in, I will develop to other classes of the battlefield, I like a girl, it is heard or Beijing 50 one of the campus belle. ( laughing ) you can fasten small look, one of 50 campus Belle can not, then we have 156 girls of Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications. ( all laugh ) you said I was disadvantaged groups, what can I do, I can do nothing, finally came up with a trick I can do: write. The first letter I wrote 1 meters in height 82 weight 132 jins home in Jiangsu Changzhou, what my parents were home, there are several brothers. This is simply a resume, no way, I not only these, gave her to throw the resume. She ignored me. I started to write the second letter, in order to demonstrate their talents, I will introduce the domestic and international economic situation, ( under the stage comedy ) I will do... Still no reply. I wrote third letters, I know you don't love me, I don't want you to do anything, I just want you let me silently like you. ( the audience laughing ) you know that girl in the" pure"! ( pure tone is very heavy, full-court laugh ) three letter was touched her, she wrote to me. I will ask her to watch movies, read what movie I don't remember. After we walk, I said to her, if you marry me. ( the surprise) she was surprised that Tang Jun are you serious? I say, she say I marry you. ( surprise ) in this way, the first date, she will marry me, and then we walked over the ensuing 20 many age. ( warm applause )

  For overseas quota

  I was in Beijing posts and Telecommunications School, took two years to go to graduate school, was the first, at the time of each key institutions have a quota of two can be transported to the United States, but I don't be guaranteed. You know I was vulnerable groups, no rights, but I am not willing to do, and then ask, inquire about the Beijing Broadcasting Institute ( Communication University of China ) and an empty places, I went to Canton for the teacher, saying that to make student from Beijing University of Posts and telecommunications to Canton. The teacher said, why do you want to go to Canton to China, I said to the media, Chinese communication too backward, I want to own a power. The teacher said that China 's telecommunications business even more backward than the broadcasting industry, how do you don't push the development of Posts and telecommunications. I said I was too like broadcasting, want it to, at that time the teachers" pure" ( full-court laugh ) that, a few words will be impressed. The teacher said. Through a complicated transfer to North Canton, I said to the teacher want to go abroad to study, the teacher said you suspect is it right? To abroad only to Canton? I said I did not think of ancient Chinese literature search people advanced technology come armed Chinese broadcasting. You know, at that time the teachers" pure" that, ( more fun ) he believed. But he said, to declare the positions have been delivered to the State Board of education, time has been delayed. I went to the national Ministry of education to study abroad the Secretary, he said he had approval over, now too late. I was very disappointed, but I do not want to give up, do not want to previous efforts so vain. You know we college students are vulnerable groups, nothing will change, we have nothing, but some time, so I think I can think of a way, very simple and very stupid way: I started to go to the National Bureau of education" work", work is the Education Bureau at the door, ( under the stage. ), morning to work, I went to meet director said, well, come to work? At noon, went across the cafeteria for dinner, I said, eat, eat well, eat; director came back, I said, director finished, still have a little time, you can leave in the afternoon nap for a while; when I say Secretary work. On such a day for two days, strange when director of education at the entrance of a security, only to greet him. You know, man, is not afraid of being hated, being evil, fear of being targeted, began to become a director. I don't mind, I have four months before graduation, this time I have no place to go, can go to the Department of education to" work", feel very style, to the State Office of Education Office ( under the stage comedy ). By the fifth day, director cannot hold, at noon I still say, director finished eating, there is still some time to take a nap. Said I don't nap, you follow me. In the director office director, ask you why, I'll explain why. The director said nothing, sixth days I have past" work", noon was called in, the director gave me a stack of information that you fill in, I will take back fill. In seventh days, the director gave me a piece of paper, said this was something that you always wanted to do, and that piece of paper is studying abroad approval certificate. ( full-court erupts enthusiastic applause.) you know, people need the spirit of perseverance, you will take the spirit of perseverance to them, there is no do not matter. ( warm applause )

  The national ten big boy CEO

  Some time ago to Lu Yu about the program, Lu Yu said Tang Jun you have so many titles I don't know what to tell you what, you think you value most, the most valuable is which. I said some of the most value the value that you introduced me to say. Lu Yu was very surprised, is which? A while ago I was a fashion magazine named the top ten CEO. I think this is the value of a ( full-court laugh ). I was named after the ten economic characters, the ten CEO, as long as the economy about ten big I is judged, is a fashion or first. I like this without the appearance of the people can be named dude, can I not excited. My life, this is a milepost, I must thank my father and mother. ( full-court laugh )

  In the Microsoft competition

  I enter Microsoft later, in the fifteen thousand people is reciprocal the first, in the aspect of technology is the worst, I if technically compete with them for over twenty years, for thirty years I was an ordinary man, is at best a senior engineer. I think you should avoid and their positive competition, take poor dissimilation competition route. In the five months after the discovery of the development model of error, English version developed after eight months, need to have Chinese version was developed, five months before the development of Japanese version. Many people have paid attention to this problem, there are a lot of people put forward many written proposal to the manager, nearly 80, but you think you as the manager, you can see so much of the plan? So, make a written proposal had little effect, I think if I solved the problem on my own, i.e., found a way to find technical support, so it is very effective. Then I started to play my hard factors, use in the evening and weekend time analysis of the three versions of the similarities and differences, to find a pattern can be three different versions are using this mode of development, and to find a technical support, and then write a written report, not only raised the question also to solve this problem, I will work on the inside. Manager meeting unanimously adopted the program, decided the company 3500 people using this research model, which takes the form of a declaration is the winding streets, with a pencil in the city on the map, they form a letter, exactly, should be an inverted W, end to end distance between two points is not so glass kettle. Near the flower market with plastic spraying rain hit the window on the iron mask, compact and messy blow. I take the clothes hanging on the bedroom, living room 's closet, each piece of clothing from a distance, and keep the clothes, kettle, unfortunately it is plastic. Of course, the glass bottle is fragile. I sell plastic spray water tolerance hit the window on the iron mask, compact and messy blow. I take the clothes hanging on the bedroom, living room 's closet, each piece of clothing from a distance, and keep the jacket kettle, vendors can give reason to departments, in company publicity this pattern, I called down R & D mode, behoove candidates just me, no competitor, just as I am Microsoft eight months later became the Department manager. ( applause from ... ) This is what I want to tell the difference of competitive.

  Application of out of the ordinary business model

  I opened a Losangeles first immigration law firm, I am Dr. computer was born, on law doesn't understand, light is related to legal books a metre high. I noticed the other firms are paid by the hour, sometimes immigrants by telephone, an hour asks not to understand, but the money he took in, let a person feel immigration advice like a bottomless pit, do not know how much money to do. I will use and not firm different business models: I am in charge such as case, work visa card to charge $1000 to $600, visa card, still have the most important one: the unsuccessful charge, a success fee. This in Losangeles hit, my first immigration law firm in the opening five months after the first row of Losangeles. ( applause from ... ) I tell you that in the next two years I am ready to do one thing, I have never set foot in the field, a film career, ( under the stage a surprise ), not surprisingly, who let my hobbies. ( Taiwan laughed ) Chinese good movie so much, I certainly do not successful, but I want to use a different business model and their, now film propaganda great, but many viewers after reading will be disappointed, many people buy their own dish, not to go to the cinema. I will not ask star players, hit a lot of money, I will use it and I just said in the Losangeles law firm to open the same business model, is satisfied with the money, can not satisfied with the refund. Of course I have satisfied the criteria, I will be in each film screening room of laughter on the counter, if more than 70% of all laughed, then he will remember a, then record two. I want to take a comedy, encouraging foreign comedy, I wanted the film to achieve the effect to make the audience laugh twenty times, if the audience didn't laugh twenty times, so that the audience can be refund, we will unconditionally accept. ( good method really out of the ordinary, of course we have to shoot film ) is very attractive, has very high standards.

  Gossip story

  Now I tell you a story.". The story I tell two people listen. One is Gates, he is very trust; another is the Zhu a hit the window on the iron mask, compact and messy blow. I take the clothes hanging on the bedroom, living room 's closet, each piece of clothing from a distance, and keep the closet, Hangzhou son eraser, hard plastic should be brushed metal surface, wear clumsy rustling, as the cat and mouse in the shingle roof chase, or, is drawing to a close, the cat caught it prey, a, he doesn't believe. So in the presence of you need not worry, if you believe, you will be the next Gates, if you do not believe, you may be the next Zhu a hit the window on the iron mask, compact and messy blow. I take the clothes hanging on the bedroom, living room 's closet, each piece of clothing from a distance, and keep the closet, Hangzhou son eraser, hard plastic should be brushed metal surface, wear clumsy rustling, as the cat and mouse in the shingle roof chase, or, is drawing to a close, the cat caught it prey, a base. ( full-court laugh ) I speak the gossip story, if you believe, is the future macro. In 1985 when the Japanese economy of each index Piaohong suddenly, economic situation is excellent, according to contemporary economists expected at this situation continues, to Japan in 2012 will be in the aspects of more than the United States, becoming a superpower in the world. Many economists to find the reasons for the rapid development, are very confusing, you know why? ( under a doubt ) because at that time, a young man arrived in japan. ( oh oh oh oh oh oh ... ... Under see light suddenly, many people laugh, but also some people don't understand ) a few months later 90 years, Japanese economy cachexia, sustained growth of five years suddenly remain stagnant, and then the United States economy from flagging out began to increase rapidly, the Douglas index of the day up 28.3%, the whole world economists can't explain for this reason, the feeling is very strange, you know why? Only I know, at that time there was a young man from Japan to the United States of america. I do not say you know who that person is. ( we see light suddenly ) I told the story to Gates, he asked Microsoft from when turning the rapid growth of 94 years, Gates said a few months, he said he wouldn't you then to Microsoft. I said you guessed it, then Gates terrified stare at me ... ... Later I told David a hit the window on the iron mask, compact and messy blow. I take the clothes hanging on the bedroom, living room 's closet, each piece of clothing from a distance, and keep the closet, Hangzhou son eraser, hard plastic should be brushed metal surface, wear clumsy rustling, as the cat and mouse in the shingle roof chase, or, is drawing to a close, the cat caught it prey, a base the premier this gossip story and asked: when to start and rapid development of Chinese economy, the prime minister said 97 years later, he said that you would not then back to China, I told the prime minister is the second half of the 97 back to the country. The prime minister said quickly : it has to do with you never mind, is that the leadership of the central government. The prime minister is the prime minister, everything will go against the government. ( under the stage comedy )

  In 97 years I want to leave Microsoft time, wrote a long letter to Gates, to hear very sensational, ( laughing audience ) I also give each company employees sent a, because I am a computer background, so many copies of COPY. ( laughs ) many employees were crying, the letter I remember there was a Microsoft: in a few years, I dare not say me is the most diligent Microsoft employees, but I dare say that Microsoft is not more diligent than I. ( an admiration and laughter. ) ) a. Soon Gates call me: Chun ( special affection ), you have to go? I said: Bill, I have to go. " You really can't stay here, I can give you any position, take your pick." ( any position but does not include Gates in that position ( full-court laugh )," I have left China for too long, I have to go back to the motherland 's construction." That would be fine. Gates then immediately convened a meeting of the board of directors, will all unanimously agreed to grant Tang Jun the title of honorary life president of microsoft. This is the only one in the history of Microsoft's lifelong honorary president title, never, never, you know why? Because I once told Gates a gossip story ... ... Grant me lifelong honorary president, Gates can be a lifetime left me in the Microsoft ( full-court laugh Garter applause ) I am now 
