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文章来源:演讲网 未知 文章作者:admin 点击次数:490次 发布时间:2011-08-02 14:32

许小年经典财经演讲:经济学与市场的逻辑 文章摘要:世界在发展,经济在发展,经济学的研究从来没有停息过,这是与人类生存息息相关的,各国著名经济学家都曾对经济学做到深度剖析。以下是著名经济学家许小年的经典财经演讲。回到经济学上来,我们要研究为什



































  Xu Xiaonian classic economics lecture: Economics and market logic

  Abstract: the world in the development, economic development, the research of economics has never stopped, which is associated with human survival, other famous economists have done in-depth analysis of economics. The following is a famous economist Xu Xiaonian classic finance speech. Back to economics, we should study why there was this, this is the Adams Smith Institute, why, after entering market economy, the accumulation of wealth will have an accelerated growth, but not like before the slow natural growth?

  Economics is the study of what? We now discuss economic policy is it right? There are so important, I want to use dimensional Ying just here to show you have a curve, the curve is very revealing.

  I did not see the GDP curve, but I saw the global population, Chicago Worg Professor, are a means, this curve tell us, in our knowledge of human history for a long period of time, our wealth creation and the global population of long-term remain stagnant, just dimension Ying said, 99% of the time, the creation of wealth, people 's standard of living, the global population of long-term remain stagnant, it tracks the development of basic is a very flat slope, slope is very small.

  But from 16, seventeenth Century, the turning point came in this period of time, a little late it is seventeenth Century, second agricultural revolution, to 18, in nineteenth Century, we know that it is the industrial revolution.

  You can generally be human history is divided into two stages : a phase is wealth to create long-term remain stagnant, standard of living and the accumulation of wealth, the global population of long-term remain stagnant, if from ape-men skulls to date, such history has millions of years, if there is a written record of the history of human civilization, the computation from Egypt, is about 7000 years, after 7000 long years, the growth of wealth along such a curve.

  By 17, after eighteenth Century, this is the history of human civilization in the second stage, the rapid growth of wealth, its running track and the first stage is completely different, if you put the first stage as on slightly inclined to a linear, in second stages, the development of human civilization, the accumulation of knowledge, wealth create index is rising.

  Economics is the study of what? We learnt in class economics mostly Keynes economics, called the mainstream economics, textbook economics. Keynes economics is the study of what? It studies not why humans in eighteenth Century 17, appeared to grow turning point, why after second agricultural revolution and Industrial Revolution later wealth exponential upward momentum can be maintained, why?

  So the economics in the most important question is what? Keynes says, economics is the most important question in its stability. The so-called stability is what? We give a black line is GDP long-term trend line, around the long-term trend line, we can see that sometimes the economy over a trend line, sometimes below the trend line. Keynes economics is the study of why a long-term trend line economic volatility, and to take what kind of policy can reduce the red wave, this is Keynes economics research.

  Adams Smith is the study of what? Study of Austria school is what? I put these two pictures on here you answer me. Is the study of the long-term trend line, is the study of the creation of wealth, wealth accumulation, why Adams Smith 's first book called" the wealth of nations", the wealth of a nation is how creation? This is the most important problem in economics. As for the wealth creation process is several years wealth created by the fast speed, some years wealth created by the slow speed, this problem is important? Have some importance, but its importance to wealth creation itself is a second bit.

  So I feel Keynes economics to the research direction of economics have missed, it studies not wealth creation.

  Now we need to go back to Adams Smith 's traditional sound, study how wealth is created. In eighteenth Century 17, why human civilization there is a qualitative leap, why 17, eighteenth Century after economic growth, GDP growth exhibits an exponential rise, how to maintain the momentum of economic growth, which is the key issues in the economics study, rather than short-term GDP around this trend line fluctuation.

  I have this clear? This is the big two in economics branch, red is the Keynes doctrine, black trend line is Adams Smith 's traditional, Austria school focus -- how wealth is created.

  In this picture we can down derivative, economics is the most important research topic is to create wealth of long-term, long-term economic growth, return to this picture, why in the past 200 years the emergence of human civilization history the most important turning point, in this 200 years not only produces kind happened essential sex to change, science technology, human understanding of the universe, thought, culture are also in this occurred 200 years previously for 7000 years by the incomparable changes, why is there such a turning point?

  Now about this turning point, the industrial revolution, in fact before the industrial revolution had begun, it was the second time the agricultural revolution. What is the agricultural revolution the second times, is the market oriented agriculture, agriculture and the combination of the market, the farmer is no longer provide for oneself of agricultural production, but for others to engage in agricultural production, and through trade. The second agricultural revolution in Western Europe, followed by the industrial revolution, the turning point occurred in the process of the market, play a very important role, the market allocation of resources lead to the turning of the emergence of.

  Europe in medieval times, its economy is provide for oneself farm economy, is the feudal economy, I'm here incidentally, we put the feudal also give up, we put a lot of concept is all messed up, we often say China lags behind is because we have the long feudal society, all wrong, from Qin Shihuang the unification of China until the last Qing emperor Pu Yi, China is not the China feudal society, the feudal society in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, during the Warring States period has ended, our textbook to our own history to throw away, so we have to read, read what the people of the book? I always say, is to read a book to foreigners, is to read the book. Only these two books to read, other books ... ... ( applause.)

  Of course, with the exception of Victoria welcome professor ( laugh). In addition to foreigners, ancient books can read much, but not, maybe someday I will recommend my second book, it is not love, also not the ancients.

  Back to economics, we should study why there was this, this is the Adams Smith Institute, why, after entering market economy, the accumulation of wealth will have an accelerated growth, but not like before the slow natural growth? Welcome to the dimension of professor was Zhang Fang diagram is the problem, we can read his book, why the market would fundamentally change human production and way of life.

  From here came, if we want to study long-term problems, to study the long-term economic growth, must want to study the role of the market, because we know that this turning point appeared in market economy and the expansion of the scope of direct correlation. If we are concerned with the short-run economic fluctuations, the focus of our research is to what? Is the government, because according to Keynes's economics, only when the government uses fiscal policy and monetary policy to the crests and troughs lower, to maintain economic stability.

  So I think we in economics research. It wrong, economics study focused instead on short-term government policy, but the long-term economic growth, you have to study the long-term economic growth, we must study the market, if only pay attention to short-term economic fluctuation, everyday talk of fiscal policy, monetary policy, fiscal policy, monetary policy in my opinion is rob Peter to pay Paul, do not create any wealth, economics is the study of the creation of wealth.

  Monetary policy to create wealth? Monetary policy if create wealth, we work to do? We have no need to work, the central bank to print money, each holding a large stack carried home is, what I do in this lecture? There was something wrong with me? Why am I here carefully, to create value, only to create value to obtain income. Why do you want to work? You have to create value, otherwise you have no income.

  If only rely on monetary policy can create wealth, we all don't work, from the first man to stand up when he should think of the most clever idea, why don't we print the money? Printed money after what things do. Monetary policy, fiscal policy can create wealth, if we are concentrated in the government macroscopical policy, monetary policy and finance policy, we are left to pursue a root, the relationship is upside down.

  If you study the market, it will read the Adams Smith, will read the Austria school. If you think that the government can create value, we use fiscal policy, monetary policy, of course, are now in China, we creatively developed the Keynes doctrine, the content of macroscopical adjusting control is extremely rich, the buildings, the purchase price, but also control mung bean, garlic prices, and" interviews", still fine. I say, if the mung bean, garlic is macroscopical adjusting control of macroscopical adjusting control, what is not? Even the sesame mung bean is macroscopical adjusting control, what is not?

  We in the Keynes doctrine under the banner of unlimited expansion, in the past planned economy that one entirely in the Keynes doctrine under the banner, as its theoretical basis for intervention in the economy, actually do is plan system of economic regulation, this is our 30 years of reform and opening up backwards, is very obvious regress.

  Then pushed down, Adams Smith, Austria school to study the market, study the market what? Innovation. Just meet Professor dimension also spoke, the efficiency of market economy is not in our class complete competition, to achieve optimal allocation of resources, how many bits are from Beijing University? A lot. Economics is? You in the classroom talk, this is must speak, called "perfect competition, perfect competition market allocation of resources is the parrett optimal, exams are so test the students, so I test the students, but recently I reflect on, I taught students are wrong concepts, students in the answer the portion of the actual answer is right, but I say they were wrong, and the textbook is not the same as.

  The efficiency of market economy from what? It does not come from a textbook about the complete competition, Hayek said very clearly, perfect competition is not competition, competition is a process. The competition must be understood as a process of information collection, is the process of finding profit opportunities, entrepreneurship process, you have to understand.

  The reason on this line can be moved along the exponential growth in wealth, because from the industrial revolution of human innovation pace never stopped, Fogel Professor painted this picture. In the path of major technological innovation: here is the steam engine, the next reading when I can take it picture bring; here is a railway, here is the power, then it is an internal combustion engine, etc..

  Why we can make the wealth created keeping an exponential growth? Because since the industrial revolution in the market economy of our continuous innovation, innovation is the market economy efficiency roots, not static complete competition, static complete competition that is the end of the universe, is a dead end state, not of any significance.

  As Keynes tells us, Keynes tells us, in the long run, we are going to die. Complete competition, is described to us to die that day condition, you go to study the status of meaningful? You should study the process of life, economics also, you have to research the process of innovation, competition as a process, rather than a static state. This is the core idea of Austria school.

  Innovation of what conditions? First, there must be no private ownership private ownership, there is no innovation, why? Because the innovation risk is very high, if not successful innovation brings profit, no one is willing to go to the innovation, Chinese history has a lot of invention, but the invention and innovation are two different things, this is the Austria school bear Pete made a clear distinction between, what invention? What is innovation? The invention is a technological breakthrough, innovation is the technique of large-scale commercial application.

  Who invented the Internet? The United States Army, this is an invention, but the Internet as a creative who did come up? Many entrepreneurs, because innovation is a new technology of large-scale commercial applications, it can only be accomplished by entrepreneurs, Google, Amazon, Baidu, Netease, Sina, Tencent and so on, it is innovation of entrepreneur, you in order to let entrepreneurs in the market risk their own money for innovation, must give him enough incentive in return, the most powerful incentive mechanism is private ownership, I invested in innovation, take such a big risk, innovation must be sufficiently rewarded, if there is no private property rights guarantee, innovation incentive. In order to make innovation continuously, must protect private property rights, which is the most important.

  Second, innovation needs information. Need of market information, in every corner of the information, all innovation is not a great idea suddenly in one day become a reality, is a gradual process, in the market and constantly tries to get information, according to market feedback, and constantly try, finally able to draw like iPhone innovation, Internet this innovation, a variety of new Internet company ( innovation ). Information on where to? The information in every corner of the market, not the government office, not the Ministry of science and technology, the Commission, the Commission Plan" innovation country"," five years innovation and development plan", I said not a word too polite words," all the planning is all nonsense", why? It has no information. Even at the beginning of innovation entrepreneur never knew his chances of success in any place, needs the enterprise and the market interaction, continue to get feedback from the market, and constantly try, adopt various methods, you make any entrepreneur with you this story, he will tell you the final result, innovation and he began to think otherwise, is completely different, why? Because he did not own information, only in the market through the test and get the information.

  So we see what the" planning", it finished, no hope. Why? Because it had no information. Why not rely on government innovation? Because the government officials even innovation success can not enjoy the benefits brought by innovation, therefore the innovation of the two necessary conditions, private ownership and information on the decision you can make market economy, cannot rely on the government, rely on a government to point play No.

  I am about to complement these, as if time has passed, thank you! 

相关文章: 关键字Tags:许小年,典财,演讲,济学,逻辑,许小年,典财,演讲,济学,逻
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